Monday, May 16, 2011

Webkinz Causing Hives

Gürtel: Prisa

do not think anyone could have missed when Judge Antonio Pedreira, instructor of the case Gürtel in the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid (TSJM), said it would open trial in the case Gürtel after elections next April 22. Once seated on the bench Judge Garzon and the Socialist spokesman in the Valencian Parliament, Angel Luna, what's the hurry?
But nobody believes that after the election day will hear the case quickly, no, not!, Will spend the summer and there will be kicked off the trial and spent the summer and given the proximity of general elections in March 2012, the matter be postponed until those elections are held. But I doubt that the trial can be held here because I think of that takes place is likely to leave no suspect and do not say because they have been able to pass a "better life", first because they are not going to die or I want, plus some of them are giving the "good life" for quite some time, many millions have moved from here to there, and secondly because there is more to do with that dynamic has come: In the hold harmless to some of those allegedly involved, hence I dare to suggest that there is no blame to those who judge, there is more to do a few days ago may be left free to "sin" Ana Mato, Deputy Secretary of Organization of the PP, because the alleged crime had expired. Also the judge, Antonio Pedreira also excluded three parliamentarians of PP, Luis Barcenas, Jesus Merino and Gerardo Galeote, research by the award in 2002 for a variation in the town of Alba Olleros. The same approach was applied with two former attorneys Correa, the boss of the Gürtel. With these decisions, one gets the feeling that in view of the next day 22 is intended to "relieve pressure" to the case Gürtel, the biggest corruption scandal that has occurred in Spain since democracy was settled in our country. It is clear that if you get cut that "pressure" is the Popular Party who gets promoted because people with these exclusions, the voter may think that the case Gürtel was invented by Judge Garzon, and this can have positive consequences for the PP in the election results.
this continues, I repeat, it is likely that no trial in the case Gürtel for lack of people to judge, but in any case, justice will always be able to judge the judge Garzón. At that had what must have to try to make a bunch of sausages not take the money with impunity. I do not know why I was reminded of what it cost and paid to the creators of the plot for the altar that was built in Valencia for the Pope's visit: Six hundred thousand euros! Nada, a bargain. One hundred million pesetas only. ¿Con que clase de material se construyó? Es de suponer que este “monumento” no se destruyera para que los valencianos y los que visitan Valencia, lo puedan admirar, aunque a lo mejor fue “depositado” en alguna escombrera. Al fin y al cabo que son 600.000 euros en el conjunto de los cientos y cientos de millones de euros que se barajan en el caso Gürtel. Nada. Calderilla. De todos modos el humilde Benedicto XVI tuvo ocasión de oficiar la misa instalado en un “modesto” altar que “solo” costó cien millones de las antiguas pesetas. Jesucristo, era más modesto. Pero los tiempos cambian y las personas, cada día que pasa, somos más “presuntuosas”. Se trata de aquello says: "As you saw look like." But it is known that another which states that "The habit does not make the monk."


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